A Move Taught a Law Firm Partner What She’s Worth
Foxstone Recruiting approached a partner at an Am Law 100 law firm in a niche real estate practice at the right moment in her career.
Due to pending retirements of other partners, she was facing a situation where she soon wouldn’t have the required support to provide full service for her clients. Her prior law firm wasn’t hiring in these areas, and she was up against a clock.
Foxstone Recruiting dug into the market and provided this lateral partner with a list of law firms that had the unique support she needed. A lifer at her prior firm, this lateral partner was new to the process. Foxstone Recruiting’s team worked closely with her through each step guiding her on what the law firm would prioritize in the hiring process. We were able to get her from submission to an offer at her preferred law firm in a month and half with a large compensation increase. With the support she needs, her practice is thriving in the new environment.
Researched the legal market to ensure that the new law firm had a strong supporting practice in the areas the lateral partner required to make her practice portable.
Transitioned a lifer tentative about making a move to one of the largest law firms in the world.
Achieved a 30-50% salary increase beyond the lateral partner’s compensation expectation.

If It’s Not Perfect For You,
We Won’t Place You There
We ask the right questions and provide the necessary guidance to place you at a firm that values you.